Airport Los Cabos / Currency Exchange

Los Cabos Airport

Currency Exchange

The Mexican Peso is the official currency in Los Cabos, however, U.S. Dollars are widely accepted in most locations. The dollar is closer to 21 pesos, depending on market fluctuations. The best exchange rates are normally on credit cards or taking cash out of the ATM, most banks will also exchange US dollars for Mexican pesos. Also, local currency exchange booths are usual throughout Los Cabos.

Check out the table with the dollar’s current value in relation to the Mexican Pesos and major currencies and calculate your money exchange.

Calculate currency exchange rate

US dollar Exchange Rates 1 USD =
Euro 0.9019405271652939
Mexican Peso 19.16157533333333
Argentine Peso 959.6950696666667
Brazilian Real 5.572313091521794
Canadian Dollar 1.357855
Chilean Peso 927.6067542631874
Colombian Peso 4195.587969657121
Hong Kong Dollar 7.798076666666667
North Korean Won 135.00000000000014
New Zealand Dollar 1.622421651828558
Russian Ruble 90.49218703843941
Bitcoin 0.0000169105220312

Rates 16 Sep 2024

Currency exchange at Los Cabos Airport

Traveling to Los Cabos with national currency is a great idea, but not required, since many hotels and locals accept U.S. Dollars. There are money exchange facilities at each terminal at Los Cabos Airport, so you can exchange money at your arrival.

The best rates are on ATM or using a credit card, so it is recommended to take cash out of the ATM when you arrive in Los Cabos. National banks throughout Los Cabos exchange U.S. Dollars and most foreign currencies, and currency exchange houses give preferable rate exchanges. Hotels usually give the worst exchange rates, so just use them when having no other choice.

Money Exchange